Why I Don’t Use Oracle Cards to Make Major Life Decisions
Age 20, I fell in love with oracle cards.
After my first angel card reading at a local healing light festival, I was taken aback. In fact, I was well and truly blown away.
She recited the most intricate of details, some seriously deep truths about myself and even predicted a few things along the way.
Months after, seemingly small ‘predictions’ unravelled one after one.
She told me there would be something about a new relationship and Dr. Martens. And something about a small spinning ornament, almost like a ballerina in a jewellery box.
I didn’t really pay much attention to these at the time.
I was waaaaay too eager to hear about the big important things and how my life was going to pan out. I was hungry for certainty.
Funnily enough, four months later I began dating someone new.
It was clearly divinely orchestrated.
I felt the chemistry straight away.
A few weeks into this dating adventure, I went to his house.
We were out in the garden and suddenly a big white van pulled up.
He jumped out of his skin with excitement and ran towards the big, white van with huge open arms.
‘What an eaaaaaaarth?!’ I thought.
To his absolute delight, the van man passed him a brown shoe box.
He ran over to me and said ‘Check out my new Dr. Martens, how sexy are these?!’
I absolutely creased up.
Not only at his childlike excitement, but also the fact that she had been right.
There was a new relationship and there certainly was something about Dr. Martens.
A week later, I was sat at home and my Mum walked in super exited about her newest purchase…
A tiny metal bird, in a golden frame spinning around on it’s axis.
I laughed again.
How strange.
I became increasingly drawn to all things oracle, tarot and psychic.
One of my closest soul friends began inviting me to her house for angel oracle card readings, healing sessions and psychic circle evenings.
Again and again, I was blown away.
The cards pulled me in each time, the colours, the beauty, the answers.
It was like everything made sense.
For a second at least.
As I grew older, I began buying my own oracle card decks.
During a particularly challenging time in my life, I would call upon them each evening; drawing three cards from the deck. Revealing my near past, present and future in three, easy flips.
During this particularly challenging time, I also felt I had no hope and no control over my life. Bad event after event, challenge after challenge and health problem after health problem were hitting me like a ten ton of bricks.
Oracle cards were my sanity.
They were also my absolute sanctuary.
Before long, I could not make a decision for myself.
I began to rely on oracle cards for everything.
Should I do this? Should I do that?
What will happen if I do this?
What will happen if I do that?
I became obsessed.
Obsessed with the fear of making the wrong decision.
Scared that the decision was in fact, my own to make.
Last year, the divine orchestrated a massive learning lesson of self trust.
I had another psychic reading, and was told exactly how it would all pan out.
She described my future husband in detail.
At the time this through me into an absolute head spin.
I was currently seeing someone at the time, and he was nothing like she had described.
Oh, holy fuck.
I began fretting anxiously:
Am I in the wrong place? Was I with the wrong person?
If I was with the wrong person, where was the right person?
Little did I know, over the next year I would discover some horrifying truths about myself.
I said yes, no, yes, no, yes, no to more than one man. I could not commit to anyone. I spent nights awake in bed, worrying about whether this was the right or wrong outcome.
I hurt people, I messed them around. I led them on, and I turned myself off.
I could NOT get that reading out of my head.
My whole reality was based on what one person had said.
My head was f**ked.
The Turning Point
A year and a half later, here I am.
Five out of the ten things she said about my man did come true.
“He is very rational, logical, good with numbers and loves historical sites. I have a feeling you already know him.”
True for man number one.
“There will be something about dentists and mushrooms.”
True for man number two.
“It will happen so quickly, almost instantly.”
True for man number three.
And so, I finally got it.
There is some truth in the oracle.
But the whole truth is not always revealed.
The things she had listed had come true, but not in the way I had envisioned.
Not all in one man.
Spirit loves for us to expand.
Spirit wants us to evolve.
Spirit wants us to trust our own decisions.
After things ended with man number one, I put down my cards.
I stopped using them every night and instead focused on creating my own life, the way I wanted it; envisioning every aspect of how I wanted it to feel.
I stopped asking what, how, why, when and where?
And instead, I started asking.
I started being brave and writing down what it was that I actually wanted.
I started being more open.
Open to things unfolding in a way which I could not yet see.
Which I could not yet plan, or perhaps even dream.
And here I am, on man number three.
Who knows if he will be my husband?
Who knows how many more men I may have to sift and sort through, fall in love with, fall out of love with, cry over or share epic moments together?
God knows.
That’s who.
The God above and the God in you.
Age 25, I fell in love with my own desires.
I’m still shit at making decisions, but I do know one thing.
If something doesn’t feel right to me, it’s not for me.
No matter what the psychic says, does or predicts.
If I don’t want it, that’s okay.
I am creating my life, my way.
So, pull out your oracle when you need a little comfort.
Perhaps, a little cry.
Or at least a little hope.
But don’t rely on spirit for the big decisions.
Spirit is not directing the course of your life.
You are.
How fucking awesome.